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Jolt 2 Pylon Racer 1.4m

Product Code: JOLT2
 (3 reviews)

Price: $456.52 save 10%

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* Wing Control Surfaces. Colours (serial#):


The Jolt 2 is a fast and substantial sport pylon racer. The surface finish is excellent and very thin high aspect ratio wing and cavernous fuselage to take a big motor and battery make this a very fast and impressive economy racer.

The fuselage tailboom and fin is a strong all carbon one piece molding. The under-wing battery compartment is a generous 13 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm. The wing is fixed by three M3 bolts with threaded hard points already installed in the fuselage. Note people usually fit the elevator servo under the rear wing hold down bolt.

The one piece wing is a massively strong all carbon affair with a substantial spar supplementing the bullet proof wing skins. The wing is very slim and even 8 mm thick aileron servos will stand proud of the skin. The wing has comparatively small 35 mm x 24 mm hatches for the aileron servos. No flap servo access hatch has been installed by the manufacturer so that will have to be done by the customer if the flapped version is selected.

The tailplane is a lightweight molding which fits an a slot in the rear of the fin. This was quite tight in our test model and may need sanding slightly to allow the tailplane to be slid into place. Gluing in the tailplane, the control horns, the firewall (supplied) and installing the RC is the only construction work required.

The only accessories supplied are bulged aileron servo covers, 2 aileron horns and a 30 mm firewall. The customer will need to supply the aileron linkages, elevator horn, tail pushrod, and flap horns and linkages for four servo wing versions. Note the nose is quite short and the tail moment arm is long, so it is worthwhile keeping the tail pushrod as light as possible. Also the fuse front is quite bulbous and when we fitted a prop for the photo shoot the blades would not fold completely when using either GM 30 mm or VM Pro 30 mm spinners. The blades folded reasonably well when using a GM 32 mm spinner with a GM 30 mm cone, but a larger yoke may be even better.

See this RCGroups thread for more info about the model.

Jolt 2 Specifications
Wing span 1.4 m 55 in
Wing area 15.0 dm2 233 sq in
Length 89 cm 35.0 in
Flying weight from 1060 g 37.4 oz
Wing loading 70.7 g/dm 23.2 oz/sq ft
Aspect ratio 13.1
Wing airfoil Proprietary
Dihedral (EDA) 0.8º
Spinner Diameter 30 mm
Centre of Gravity 46-50 mm from wing leading edge
Controls Elevator, ailerons, throttle, optional flaps

Jolt 2 Typical Weights
Fuselage 144 g 5.1 oz
Wing 312 g 11.0 oz
Tailplane 33 g 1.2 oz
Accessories 5 g 0.2 oz
Total structure 494 g 17.4 oz
Wiring 25 g 0.9 oz
Pushrods 17 g 0.6 oz
Receiver 8 g 0.3 oz
Elevator servo 10 g 0.4 oz
Aileron servos 16 g 0.6 oz
Speed control 40 g 1.4 oz
Motor 220 g 7.8 oz
Prop & spinner 30 g 1.1 oz
Battery 200 g 7.1 oz
Flying weight 1060 g 37.4 oz

Recommended Servos
Elevator CHA HV85, KST X08, MKS DS75K, MKS DS6100, MKS HV6100, Blue Bird BMS-126WV, Blue Bird BMS-127WV
Ailerons (2 servos) CHA HV85H, KST X08H, KST X08H Plus
Flaps (2 servos) CHA HV85H, KST X08H, KST X08H Plus

Possible powertrain: Mega 16-40-2E F5D motor on 5S LiPo and a 7 x 10 folding prop, in-flight rpm is 21,000 RPM, 190mph+

Reviews 3  

 Review by:

Great plane

Very strong solid plane for a good price.

 Review by:

Jolt 2

I’ve been researching affordable hotliners and pylon racers for a while. All my research pointed to the Jolt 2.
Unable to locate one in the United States, I came across HyperFlight and found the exact color combination I was looking for. With a bit of hesitation, I hit the purchase button and expected a long wait to receive my bird. Literally within and few days, my package showed up, with zero damage on the shipping box and the plane perfectly packed.
As I unpacked the Jolt 2, I was amazed at the quality and craftsmanship of this plane. The finish is smooth and flawless, the fit spot on and nothing was warped or damaged in any way. The colors are vivid and stand out.
With my busy schedule I have not completed the assembly, but I can’t wait to finish it.
I’m not looking to race competitively, but looking for speeds around 160mph and something that turns heads, so to speak.
HyperFlight - great job on an awesome product. I’ll definitely be a return customer!!!
Thanks Neil for your quick communication and professional operation.

 Review by:

Great Sport F5D Model - super strong!

I waited ages and pestered Neil several times as to when this model was going to be available but it was worth the wait. I used to own an F5D Viper - it was a great model in the air but built and designed as a competition model it was fragile on landing - especially at the high speed that it always flew at even on the glide.
I was pleased to see that the Jolt was made entirely of Carbon. I'm not interested in racing, just as a very fast sport model and happily accept that its a little heavier than my Viper.
The wing section is typically thin and the wing servo compartments are quite small so a little thought needs to be given as to installation using the recommended servo's. The fuselage however has a carnivorous battery bay easily able to take largish Lipo's up to 5S. It's also a lot cheaper than other modern F5D models especially if purchased from the US.
It's too late in the year to put together now (I don't build in the summer) but I'm sure this model will be as fast as the Viper and a lot more durable.


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