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Hawk 2 1m DLG

Product Code: HAWK2
 (50 reviews)

Price: $261.85

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The Hawk 2 is a great 1m mini DLGs from Ukraine that flies excellently. The Hawk 2 is an upgrade of the original Hawk 1m DLG that has well earned reputation for launching high and having a good speed range while also being easy to fly. The Hawk 2 is very similar to the previous model but has a slightly wider fuselage with a slip-on nosecone for easier RC installation.

The glass Hawk 2 DLG model is supplied with a strong and brightly coloured glass layup wing, which weighs approx 60 g. The SC Hawk 2 version is supplied with a lighter Carboline spread carbon wing weighing 52 g. The SC model especially is exceptionally light, while also being strong and very rigid, allowing high launches. Still air times of 1:30 to 2 minutes can be obtained by strong launchers, and thermal performance and stability is good.

The SC Hawk's 2 fuselage is a one piece (not pod and boom) design of oval cross section, with the front part made from 2.4GHz friendly glass, and the rear from spread carbon. The glass Hawk 2 version's fuselage is all glass construction. The fuselage has a slip-on nosecone that gives good access to the RC, for easier installation and maintenance. All the servos are installed in the pod to minimise nose weight and yaw inertia. The Hawk 2's fuselage is a bit wider that the original version's however the RC installation is still a fairly cramped. As the only instructions available are various online build logs the model is not ideal for inexperienced builders.

The tailplane (horizontal stabiliser) is bolted onto a small pylon molded into the underside of the boom, and the fin (vertical stabiliser) has a perfectly matching hole molded into it, enabling easy mounting onto the end of the tailboom.

The Hawk 2 wing is solid molded with a glass or spread carbon skin over a CNC cut foam core. The wing has a good surface finish ensuring low drag and longevity. The ailerons are fabricated with a living hinge. The only work required to finish the wings is installing the throwing blade and control horns.

The model is supplied with a very complete accessory pack which includes all control horns, pushrod wires, tail torque springs, tail pull cord, pull cord ferrules, a nice throwing blade and a small glass plate for mounting the servos. We recommend that the sewn wing and tail bags are also purchased. These will help avoid transport and storage damage, keeping the glider in top condition.

Note this product is the model's structure only. In addition to the Hawk 2 model these will also be required: RC transmitter, RC receiver, 4 servos, battery. Contrary to some of the photos servos are not included. When gluing in the horns and throwing blade use epoxy or foam-safe superglue. Normal CA will melt the foam core.

If you have any questions please ask on the RCGroups Hawk 1m DLG from HyperFlight thread. Also see this thread for build info.

Hawk 2 DLG Specifications
Wing span 1.0 m 39 in
Wing area 10.9 dm2 169 sq in
Length 72 cm 28.2 in
Flying weight from 120 g 4.2 oz
Wing loading 11.0 g/dm 3.6 oz/sq ft
Aspect ratio 9.2
Wing airfoil AG46
Dihedral angle 5.5º
Centre of Gravity 54-56 mm from wing leading edge
Controls Ailerons, elevator, rudder

Hawk 2 DLG Typical Weights
Fuselage 15.0 g 0.5 oz
Wing (glass) 60.0 g 2.1 oz
Wing (carbon) 52.2 g 1.8 oz
Fin 3.1 g 0.1 oz
Tailplane 3.6 g 0.1 oz
Accessories 7.1 g 0.3 oz
Total structure (carbon wing) 81.0 g 2.9 oz
Glue, mounts etc 2.0 g 0.1 oz
Receiver 5.0 g 0.2 oz
Tail servos 9.0 g 0.3 oz
Wing servos 9.0 g 0.3 oz
Battery 10.0 g 0.4 oz
Noseweight 4.0 g 0.1 oz
Flying weight 120.0 g 4.2 oz

Recommended R/C-nano gear only
Elevator & rudder servos Blue Bird BMS-101DMG, Blue Bird BMS-101HV, Hitec HS-40, KST X06, KST X06N, CHA DS06, CHA LV06
Aileron servos Blue Bird BMS-101DMG, Blue Bird BMS-101HV, Hitec HS-40, KST X06, KST X06N, CHA DS06, CHA LV06
Receiver *case removed Spektrum AR6260*, AR6100e, AR400, Futaba R6004FF*, FrSky X4R, Orange DSM2 compatible, Jeti Duplex R5, Multiplex Mlink RX-6-DR Light*
Battery HyperFlight 150 mAh 4.8V NiMH, CSS 1S 300 mAh LiPo, Ytong 1S 380 mAh LiPo

Hawk 2 Control Throws
Rudder 10 mm each way
Elevator 8 mm up / 8 mm down
Ailerons 6 mm up / 5 mm down
Camber Settings
Launch 0.5mm up
Cruise 0 mm
Thermal 1 2 mm down
Max thermal 4 mm down
Landing flaps as much down as possible

More details

Reviews 50  

 Review by:

Tricky install for a 1st timer

Well packaged and great 1st impressions of the Hawk 2 glass layup, superb build quality!
It's my 1st DLG having mainly flown slope so was impressed at how feather light but very stiff it was.
The build was tricky with no real guide but decided to brick all 4 servos together (bluebirds) and after a few attempts got all control rods and lines perfectly installed.
Maiden flight in very light but cold conditions was a blast! Launched it over 60 times that day! Think I'm hooked! Roll on summer!

 Review by:

Amazing Product

the craftsmanship of the wing is amazing. I am blown away. When launched it will soar like a rocket ship into the sky. I got the glass layup maybe next I will order the Carbon. I recommend getting the servo sold as optional, they bundle together as a brick and fit perfectly into the fuselage.

 Review by:

What a nice little one meter DLG! I purchased a Hawk2 with a glass wing layup. I'm impressed with the quality of the model. Everything looks to be expertly crafted. The plane came well packaged and thoroughly protected. I'm blown away at how quick the shipment arrived from the UK to the US. Domestic shipping isn't that quick. Thanks again!

 Review by:

Very Impressed

It's just after 3:30 Thursday afternoon here in Waukesha, USA. The Hawk just arrived! How the hell did you ship this spectacular model to me in less than three days and have it arrive in such excellent condition .... for way less costs that it would have if I had bought it here in the colonies?

I will be a returning customer from this point going forward! Even for small stuff. Bravo Sir.

 Review by:

Addicted to. DLGs

This is a great bird. Relatively easy build. Certainly no more finicky than most other composite DLGs. It flies very well. This one is glass but i think i may see a carbon version in my near future. Great service and fast shipping from Hyperflight.

 Review by:

Hawk 2 significant improvement on great DLG

I forgot to mention that since purchasing the Hawk 1 I have also been flying an expensive world class 1.5 meter DLG and I am astounded how well the 1 meter Hawk1 compares
Great little DLG, and less effort to launch than 1.5 meter class

 Review by:

Hawk 2 significant improvement over already great

After having discovered the evil of trees and extensively damaging my Hawk 1 during extraction i decided to buy a Hawk 2, SC version in the pink, purple, blue.
I Received the Hawk 2 in australia after just 5 days (expedited) in perfect condition carefully packed in a sturdy box. Thanks again Neil for perfect service!
The model just gets better. The slip on nosecone with bigger fuselage and bigger opening is a major improvement. The pre- slotted control surfaces allow quick install of horns with no fear of making an error.
The surface finish and paintwork is excellent, the scheme really pops.
I have not yet flown it yet but it has to be at least as good as the Hawk 1, I am looking forward to not having to secure the canopy before flight, instead just slipping the cone on.
High Quality and great price, highly recommended.
Thankyou so much Nicolay, HQ and Neil!

 Review by:

Hawk2 DLG.

The build quality of this DLG is just amazing! I have had a few DLG`s and this beats all - finish, accuracy, it`s all there - spot on, true craftsmen! They have even pre-cut slots for the horns too!
I had previous experience with the earlier model, and was hoping that with the new slip on nose cone the bay would be a little roomier to make installation easier, but sadly no luck.
Nevertheless, if you give plenty of careful thought to this it shouldn`t be too difficult, but if you haven`t done this before I would recommend you do a lot of reading up on processes online (r/c groups etc) as it is so easy to make mistakes.
A few tips that may be useful...
To get the lightest weight and balance possible (carbon model) I had to keep the 4 Blue Bird DMG 101`s in a `brick` formation as far forward as possible leaving just enough room for a Lemon 6ch Rx (servo leads taped on top) and a 300mah Nanotech 1c battery atop it up front. To get the wanted 56mm C of G I had to add 4g of thin self adhesive lead around the sides of the nose. All up weight after lateral balancing ended up at 132g. Happy customer!
Thanks to Neil and co for the usual outstanding and reliable service.

 Review by:

Very Impressed

Excellent service from Neil, arrived in Australia in 5 business days (expedited) in a good sturdy box. I took a while to finish it and found the install tight and challenging but very rewarding. I had tried to teach myself discuss launching with a foam chuck glider which would occasionally do crazy stuff (including roll inverted) after launch so I was petrified when doing my first discus launch with the beautiful Hawk, but it launched perfectly and has done each and every time. Wow, it goes a long way up for such little effort! Managed to work some lift on about my 6th launch, WOW what a heap of fun, now hooked and about to get into a 1.5 M DLG!
Very impressed all round.

 Review by:

great model

It is a beautiful thing, hope I can keep it that way. Yet to fly.

Would be nice to have a piece of paper with the key information: list of parts; throws.

It will take longer to read the rcgroups build thread than build it, so some brief instructions would be useful too.

 Review by:

Hawk DLG

Wanted a nice DLG to add to my collection. What a beautifullly manufactured model! Received in a super sturdy cardboard box, well packed and no damage. Looking forward to getting started on this. It will take some thought as there is not a lot of room in the fuselage. I intend to use KST X06N servos which should fit nicely.

 Review by:

Hawk DLG

Beautifully built aircraft - you won't be disappointed with this. If you have a degree in gynaecology, it will definitely help - make sure you lash out on the smallest servos you can get (9g or even 5g 'standard' servos will NOT fit !) - I used the Bluebird BMS-101HV on a 2s/200mAh battery with an el cheapo 'frsky' receiver the size of my thumbnail from banggood - hardwired the servos to save some more space/weight. The wire supplied for the rudder/elevator return 'spring' (around 0.7mm) was really far too thick and caused major overheating of the servos due to the permanent force applied - drop that down to a guitar 'G' string at 0.5mm and the problems disappear.
All in, a really great flying DLG model - I'm non-competitive, but have had a great time with this - I dread to think the hours I've put on this airframe but now I'm an expert (I wish LOL :-)

 Review by:

Satisfied customer

By no means an expert on DLGs but very impressed with this model. I do know a bit about carbon fibre and the build quality is 1st rate. Was a bit daunted when I received the model with no paperwork at all (a basic instruction manual might help the brand a bit?) but there's plenty of build info online. I chose to stack the Bluebird servos in 2 layers and tape and glue them to the plate/servo tray supplied with the kit. I then drilled through the bottom of the fuselage and plate and used nylon screws and nuts to hold the servo tray in place. This means I can remove the servos for adjustment. Many of the online builds involve permanently installing the servos with glue or tape which doesn't seem sensible to me. I've flown the model 3 times now in local London parks and hooked into a few thermals, which was immensely rewarding. This evening I managed to discus launched the glider and transmitter which resulted in a pretty solid crash but with no damage to the airframe (a bit to the transmitter though). I suspect the extremely low weight helped here. Last observation is the model seems to be extremely sensitive to CG and I'm not sure I've fully dialled that in yet. Great toy!

 Review by:

Top quality DLG for a good price

The plane is of top quality when it comes to construction and build quality. Be aware that you need the smallest servos you can get. My only negative mark to this plane is that the fuselage is so small that need the smallest servos money can buy and it helps if you are a surgeon. An easy way out of that is simply to but the recommended BlueBird servos and follow the youtube videos about building.
And the service from Hyperflight is just awesome.

 Review by:

Hawk DLG

Every positive review about this company is 100% the truth! They are top rate. A couple guys and I were talking at the field here in Texas. All of us agreed and only had nice thing to say. Oh, the plane is good too. I have bought two of them. It’s not a beginner’s plane, but once you know a little about what’s going on with DLGs it’s a lot of fun to fly in light air.

 Review by:

Hawk 1m glass dlg

Excellent product and quality. Super fast international shipping

 Review by:

Hawk glass DLG

The seller provides great service, perfect communication. The model came quickly and was well packed. There was no damage to the model. Model processing is at a high level. I have the model just before completion. I ordered the glass version, the weight so far is just under 130gr.

 Review by:

Hawk 1m DLG

This is a Command Reserve Hawk....When all else fails, I'll build this and fly it!!!....and commanding service from Neil to boot!!!!

 Review by:

Hawk Carbon DLG

Hawk arrived well packed with no damage. Assembled with radio without adding any unnecessary weight. Only 3 light weight servos. Had to add a small amount of nose weight to get CG right. All up flying weight was just over 130 gm. Model was nicely finished when arrived. Flies nicely. Little bit tight for putting in radio in nose.

 Review by:

Hawk DLG

Having flown the pants of my Elf I thought I'd move up to a DLG with ailerons + rudder/elevator. I've yet to build the Hawk but the build quality is amazing and as usual it was delivered in a couple of days in a bullet proof box! As soon as the Bluebird servos become available I'll get it built and flown & will post an update!

 Review by:

Hawk SC

Bought a Hawk SC for a friend that lives on his sailboat in San Diego harbor...He flies small electric stuff in the parks around there, so I figured he'd like this little DLG...He is a hands on jeweler by trade, so he had no problem installing and hooking up everything...rather enjoyed it!!...First flights he reported that the thing was way too fast for him, he had the CG too far forward....I suggested 55mm....and now he's becoming a thermal master!!...Another satisfied Hawk owner....It got here in Southern California in 4 days in excellent shape...Thanks Neil!!!!

 Review by:

Two glass Hawks!!!

Just snapped up to more Hawk RTF's...This time they are glass....These are for flying the beach and slopes, and our local RC field, where there isn't any turf...sort of a "beater" Hawk!!...Our carbon Hawks are for the village green only...Having too much fun with these!!!

 Review by:

Two Hawk SC's!!!

Bought two Hawk SC RTF's in green on black, one for me and one for the girlfriend, beautiful ships!!!...Got her plane trimmed out and she's flying it well...On my 2nd gentle hand launch to check the glide, it flew into a bump at about 2 feet altitude, I spun it around and up it went!!...Very happy with this purchase!!....I just ordered another SC for a friend....he'll get a kick out of it!!!....Thanks Hyperflight!!

 Review by:

Nice Plane fast delivery

Fast delivery by hyperflight with fair shipping costs. The Hawk is a nice little plane with a very good quality. A building manual would be nice for DLG beginners. But there is no problem because it is less work to do and all the other informations are available at the internet like this tutorial:

I use 4 KST X06 servos at 2S240mAh Lipo which are perfect at elevator and rudder but not so good at Aileron because of bad gear backlash. Receiver is a Frsky GR-X6.
My throwing heights are about 35m without any wind which is more than enough to find some updraft. The Hawk shows every movement of air but it follows the stick input perfectly.

 Review by:

Hawk Light

This is just a follow up on my previous review. The Hawk light has now been completed. Building the Hawk was straight forward and having only basic building skills posed few problems. There are some excellent articles re the build on RC
My configuration is as follows, 2 stacked Blue Bird HV at the rear for the ailerons and 2 Blue Bird HV in line towards the nose activating rudder and elevator. The receiver (LM 6Ch SH DMS2 compatible) is located at the top of the rudder/elevator servos. Battery is a Nano Tech 2S 300ma placed forward. I opted for a 300ma battery to save weight even so a larger battery could have been accommodated.
My setup followed the recommendation put forward by Hyperflight with a CG of 53-54mm, this CG setting proved adequate however my personal preference is a slight nose heavy setting. Adding 5gr of lead beside the battery gave me that in flight behaviour at a new CG of 55-56mm.
In flight the Hawk is agile and responsive and penetrates well even in winds up to 11knots. All in all I am delighted with my purchase.

 Review by:

Light Hawk or Nightmare Hawk

In my opinion really poor design regarding the space for the electronic. No instructions on how to be able to squeeze in the markets smallest servos and still barely any space left for the batteries. Save your money on this model, don’t buy it!

 Review by:

Hawk Light

Exquisite workmanship. As on previous occasions the process of ordering has been effortless. The Hawk Light was well packaged and delivery to Australia was made within 7 days. Building has now commenced and soon the Hawk will join the gaggle consisting of the Auri and Malibu.

 Review by:

Fantastic kit

The finish quality of this plane is unreal.Straight forward build, incredible flyer. Will be getting the full carbon version as soon as it is available.

 Review by:

Hawk DLG Order

I ordered a Hawk DLG glider from hyperflight.
The model arrived the following day and was packaged very well. The model quality is excellent and I’m looking forward to the first flight.
Excellent service and will use again soon, probably for a 1.5m design.

 Review by:

Beautiful object

Beautifully designed and constructed. Flying weight 111g with no ballast required, FrSKy Rx, Blue Bird Servos and the Radient 400mAh LiPo. (Carbon version.) cg 55mm. It is all a tight fit that needs planning, but it can be made to work.

 Review by:


The solid package arrived within one week in Germany very well. The quality of the Hawk is very good. It launches high. It can also be flown on the slope, because of the thin wing. Thanks to Hyperflight.

 Review by:

Small but perfectly formed

Beautifully made and ultra light air-frame. Very tricky to fit 4 servos, battery and Rx so needs a lot of patience, trial and error. Not flown yet but no reason to suppose there will be any problems from the model.

 Review by:

Fragile yet strong

First of all, great service at Hyperflight thanks. This is a small fragile plan. A bit difficult build. There is very little room for servos, batt and receiver. There is no manual for this plane which I would have loved to have had. Flies great, can handle tough landings. It’s definitely worth the money.

 Review by:

Perfect, fast and spot on service ! Neil kept aside my order during the week time it took to pass through my bank security check for international bank transfers. Many thanks !

Beautiful manufacturing for the price !
Hawk not mounted/tested yet, waiting for christmas electronic gears ;o)

 Review by:

great! this little DLG are perfect!
nice finish and easy build

 Review by:

Hawk DLG

Excellent DLG for the price. Very good service from Neil Stanton .

 Review by:

Hawk dlg

Thanks for fast service.
Glider is really nice.

 Review by:

Hawk dlg

Hawk arrived well packaged and delivered quickly as allways.
The quality of the hawk is brilliant .
Launches high flys well. It’s an amazing dlg if you thinking of buying one don’t hesitate there amazing for the price .
I love my hawk and fly most of time.
Build was nice and easy little bit fiddly getting servos in fuse. Would highly recommend .

 Review by:

Great service

Ordered Hawk DLG and then the servos for the Hawk. Both times service was very quick. Will be using hyperflight again for further purchases.

 Review by:


Got this along with a set of 4 BMS-101DMG's within a week of purchase, shipped in the EU. Extremely fast and good service! With no previous experience building a kit or DLG's with good performance, this was kind of a leap. I recommend going through the forum threads before you start going if you're new. With limited time this summer i skipped all the good advice on throwing the stuff included out. And with care it seems everything is still working well for the moment. Servoes are working ok for me, nothing special but price is right i guess. Flying at 54ish mm Cg, 125g RTF (380mah 1s). Wondering if you'd be better off with a 1.5m but budget holding you back? For a beginner (in dlg) like me this will probably have all the performance needed for me to grow for a long time. Climbs well, launches good and goes well for its size.

 Review by:

Amazing little ship!

Ordered this and had it in hand in just over a week. The larger high performance 1.5m birds were just a little out of my price range so this fit the bill. You definitely need to have a grasp on building models before you attempt to put this one together. The quality of this plane is amazing. The fuselage is designed to be just big enough to hold the required equipment, so be prepared to dry fit everything to make sure you get the layout and CG right. Enough about the technicalities, she flys great. It signals lift very well and has a broad speed range. Time to land just drop the flaperons and she’ll float right into your hand. Would love to get the all carbon version soon.

 Review by:

A super lightwight small DLG in excellent quality. There is limited space in the nose, so it is a good idea to check the RC groups forum for details.

 Review by:

fast shipping

I ordered it on Friday last week and got it on Tuesday. I live in Colorado. Quick shipping and well packed.

 Review by:

Very lovely small glider! Fast shipping and very well packed! THX

 Review by:

Hawk 1 meter

Outstanding craftsmanship, fantastic price. Research it BEFORE buying electronics as there is VERY limited space. 5 Stars.

 Review by:

Hawk DLG

The shipment was very fast (even on French Post side !!!). The packaging seems to be able to resist severe events. All the hardware inside was in perfect condition. The assembly of the Hawk is in progress, it is definitely not for a beginner. Lot of help to be found in the links proposed by Hyperflight. A building manual would however be welcome, even a very simple one.

 Review by:

Excellent DLG

I ordered the glass version as my first DLG and assembly was relatively straightforward. I found that 2/1mm carbon tube and 0.7mm piano wire made much smoother push-rods than those supplied in the kit so probably best to order these items along with the kit. I used 4x BMB-101DMG servos, an FrSky RX4R and 1S 260mah lipo. All up weight around 116g.

She flies very well, I've had a couple of afternoons in the park and several good flights despite my lack of experience.

I've been informed that Hyperflight do have spare parts available which is reassuring to know as the fin/stab are quite delicate.

 Review by:

Fantastic flyer

Great 1m class DLG. Glider flies fast when it needs to, and good energy retention.
Bought the glass (not carbon) version, came in just under 118g with 4 Dymond D47's, Frsky G-RX6 and 2S 240mAh battery. Could shave a couple grams by removing servo connectors and Rx pins, plus switching to carbon should get well under 110g. Fuselage is a little tight so it takes a bit of planning to get everything in right.

 Review by:

Lovely DLG-no spares

Just started building the Hawk enjoying part quality and fitting. For month I have tried to first get some spares e.g. fins, rudder to stock for some potential damages. Sadly this bird seems not supported with spares ...worldwide! Consequently you may have to consider buying a second one which, considering price, may make sense the most.

 Review by:

Hawk miniDLG

I was able to get a thermal immediately after adjustment. As the center of gravity got in front, we are planning to re-adjust the lipo.
I liked the design and bought it, but the quality of painting may be low somewhat.

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