You will be surprised by the very high power delivered by these small and very robust, but light weight (59g with power cables) brushless motors with rotating case suitable for all models of Slow and Park Fly size weight up to 650 g. The hardened steel 3,17mm diameter shaft is supported by two large ball bearings which ensure very good mechanical reliability with front or radial mounting. As a result of using the latest ferromagnetic materials the AXI 22xx/xx V2 motors offer extremely high efficiency and high load capability for their weight.
No. of cells 2-3s Li-Poly
Kv 920 RPM/V
Max. efficiency 82%
Max. efficiency current 6 - 10 A (>73%)
No load current 0,45 A
Current capacity 14 A/60 s
Internal Resistance 124 mohm
Dimensions (Ø x L) 27,7x39,4 mm
Shaft diameter 3,17 mm
Weight 59,5 g
Max. Power 138 W