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CG Measuring Scale

Product Code: CG-SCALE
 (13 reviews)

Price: $131.65

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The CG Measuring Scale is an accurate digital scale which shows the exact location of the centre of gravity location in millimetres from the wing leading edge, plus the model's weight in grams. Ideal for F3K, F5J, F3J, F3F, F3B, F3B, F3F and all similarly sized model aircraft.

The centre of gravity scale comes with a 9 V battery which supplies the energy to this complex device. The scale consists of the main unit holding the scales, a 3D printed cradle to hold the model, and a microcomputer with LCD display to output the info.

Available in two versions as shown below. We recommend the Small 3 Kg version for most modellers as perversely it has a slightly lager max fuse size.

During boot up the battery voltage is displayed. Occasionally new 9V batteries are too high initially in which case the display is incorrect until the voltage drops. The battery is changed by unscrewing the plate near the switch.

CG Measuring Scale Types
Size Small 3Kg Regular 4 Kg
Target model F3K, DLG, Mini DLG, F5J F3J, F3F, F3B
Max model weight 3 Kg 4 Kg
Max rearward CG 120 mm 145 mm
Min wing chord 132 m 155 mm
Max fuse width under wing 65 mm 52 mm
Max fuse depth under wing 65 mm 65 mm

Technical characteristics:
Measuring range: 0 to 3 or 4 kg
Display: LCD 65x16mm, display on 2 lines
Power supply: 9v battery (included)
Dimensions CG scale (LxWxH): 173x148x140mm approx.
Dimensions display case (LxWxH): 85x40x20mm approx.
Weight of the CG scale: 410g approx.

How to use it:

1) Set the CG balance switch to ON

2) Wait for the display on the tare screen (GR: 0000)

3) Place the glider on the 4 pins, fuselage well centred in the supports and leading edges bearing against the stops

4) Read the weight of the model (g) and the position of centre of gravity (mm)

Reviews 13  

 Review by:

CG Scale - Not good!

Sadly this scale is far from worth it!
I bought one, and after a while the cables to the display broke in the soldering points, (shorting and destroying the LCD display). after a few e-mails back and forth I just stopped asking Hyperflights advice. The scale is now (still) at a local shop, who will try to replace the display, change the cables and recalibrate the scale.
My conclusion is that the quality of the scale does not match the price.

 Review by:

Very pleased with mine, it has made precise balancing and marking balance point graduations quick and easy for me. I balanced my new Ultima 2 using it but double checked with a traditional balancer just in case, following a flight test I found the cg to be within half a millimetre of perfect trim. I did find the battery compartment a very tight squeeze when inserting the battery, risking damage to the connector.

 Review by:

GC measuring scale

The scale seems to work fine, though I have not checked the accuracy, but the problem I have found is the limited root chord it will work with. I have an Explorer and the CofG at 125 mm from leading edge (given range is 125 to 135 mm) makes the model fall off the back of the scale. The balance pads need to be much further apart in length to accommodate rearward CofG and wide wings.
The limitation is not given as a warning on the web site, it is worth adding such a warning. My version is the 3 kg model, the 4 kg may be different because it looks longer.

 Review by:

I'm sorry to only give two stars for this product. Was looking forward to the new electronic world of measuring. This scale is about 2,5 mm off. I've measured with two "old" manual cg scales. The producer (in Spain) told me I could ship it to them for repair/change, but too much hazzle. I'll buy another one.

But, as usual, very quick delivery. Only wish it was a correct scale...

 Review by:

I'm sorry to only give two stars for this product. Was looking forward to the new electronic world of measuring. This scale is about 2,5 mm off. I've measured with two "old" manual cg scales. The producer (in Spain) told me I could ship it to them for repair/change, but too much hazzle. I'll buy another one.

But, as usual, very quick delivery. Only wish it was a correct scale...

 Review by:

Excellent equipment

Extremely fast shipping to the USA !

 Review by:

CG Scale

I've gotten tired of borrowing one of these from friends nearby, so I got my own. It seems to be an excellent product.

 Review by:

It’s a nice unit. Pads for the wings are not real flexible. Works fine anyway.

 Review by:

CG Measuring Scale.

What an amazing piece of kit! I wasn't entirely convinced I needed one of these. I always managed more or less in the past but I have to say that if you fly DLGs or F3RES sailplanes like me, or bigger stuff, you really gotta try one of these! The accuracy is amazing and tiny adjustments to C of G are the the work of moments. Highly recommended

 Review by:

CG machine

Excellent quality very professional and accurate
Easy to use .

 Review by:

CG Measuring Scale

Terrific piece of kit that is very accurate and shows the weight of the model and CofG at the same time. Also handy for seeing the effect varying amounts of ballast has on the CofG allowing you to set this up optimally. The cradle on this one is slightly bigger than that found on similar items available elsewhere allowing for slightly larger fuselages to be accomodated easily. Recommended.

 Review by:

Where has this been?!

Worked perfectly from the moment I removed it from the packaging. I measured all my models (F3K, F5J, F3J, F3RES) and corrected a couple significant CG issues on the spot! Outstanding Customer Service from hyperflight.
Arguably the best money I’ve spent on this stupid hobby in years!

 Review by:

CG measuring scale

I wish I had one of these 20 years ago. Makes balancing and installing ballast a snap. Very accurate

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